Local prices in combination with central prices requires the use of Shoppa version 2.25 or higher.
Pricelists on a store level overrides central prices only if the store is subscribed to the central pricelist, both pricelists have the same package ID, and the local pricelist does not have the name"STANDARD"
All future price change functionality is applicable for local overridden pricelists as well as central pricelists.
Locally overridden prices for a product will always trumf any centrally price changes for the same product.
Local override of central pricelist
Here we have a central pricelist stored on a HQ level.
In one of the stores we have different prices for the products with ID 222222 and 333333. We will therefore only send the price changes to the local pricelist.
Store1 will now have the local prices in addition to central prices that are not overridden. The other stores will receive all the prices from the Central Pricelist.
Deleting local price overrides
If a local price stops being active and we want the central price to be used again, it can be accomplished by deleting the local price from its pricelist.
Here we have deleted the product with ID 222222 from the local pricelist. Store1 will now receive a price for the product from the Central Pricelist. Other local price overrides will still remain.