What is Mediablob
Mediablob API is the developer interface for storing product information in the Shoppa eco-system.
The api comes in several versions. All api versions are both forward and backwards compatible with any version of the Shoppa Client, but to take full advantage of the latest functionality of Shoppa Client, your Mediablob integration must use the latest api version.
All xml schema definitions (xsd) can be downloaded at XSD
The customer node
An integral part of the Shoppa eco-system is the customer tree. All users belong to a customer node, which in turn has a parent node. All customer nodes for a tree in this way, with one parent and optionally multiple children.
The customer tree is created by Shoppas specialists together with the customer. Contact Shoppa Support Centre if you need to update the customer tree.
Any product or storeinfo-object created at a node is available to all lower levels, provided it is not restriced by country code.
A customer can also get access to content from an external customer node if a reference is created to that node. This is used for instance to provide supplier information to several different companies. Customer references can only be created and removed by Shoppas solution architects.
The Product object
All information in Mediablob is based around a product. Products support different languages and can be restricted to a specific country.
A product has several named text fields. Allowed field names are defined in the Fields page and are used by Tags in Shoppa templates to display the correct product information.
At a customer level, the product stores up to one text and one image per field and language code.
The same picture can be assigned to several fields and different pictures can be assigned to the same field, but for different language codes. This is especially useful for images with embedded texts.
Products can be partially overridden at any customer level. This information is then used for all customer node further down the tree. If an overriden text is later deleted, the original text is restored.
The Product primarily stores static information that is not bound by time. When a product is updated the change is visible immediately to all users and remains the same until the product is changed again. Thus, products shall not contain volatile information such as price. Such properties should be handled by StoreInfo objects.
The StoreInfo object
Existing products can be enriched for specific customers and timespans.
While any text or picture of a product can be overridden, StoreInfo objects typically describe pricelists or campaigns. StoreInfo is perfect for tracking different product prices per store.
It is important to create the products before relating to them in StoreInfo objects.
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