
This describes SignOrder schema version 1.1.

A signorder file can reference a number of products, which display groups that should be used to print them, and how many copies should be printed. Additionally you can specify values for the product fields (e.g. price, text1, etc.). Note that these values will not override existing product fields, but will only populate empty fields. The exception to this is the price field, which will override existing prices.

Other notes:

  • To specify values for code fields (Code1, EAN13, etc.) you need to use the <code> element, rather than the <field> element.

  • To get multiple products onto one template they need to be grouped in a products element. Which display group to use should then be specified for the products element, and not the individual product elements. In this case the product elements need to have the productIndex attribute, in order to specify which product index to use in the template(s).

  • The usageDate attribute can be used to get prices from future dates. If omitted, todays date will be used.

  • If the autoPrint attribute is false, there is no need to specify display groups.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<signOrder xmlns="" createDate="1997-08-26T01:31:12.71" usageDate="2019-12-24" autoPrint="true">
    <product idType="Code1" id="12345" copies="1" displayGroup="38988a59-5c03-4876-bb34-c016575b5936" />
    <product idType="Code1" id="23456" copies="1" displayGroup="73c94b65-560c-4f74-a667-198676fd5eac">
        <field name="price" value="95.00" />
        <field name="text1" value="Battery included" />
        <code name="EAN13" value="1234567890128" />
    <products copies="1" displayGroup="1fa465e2-ce62-484e-a0b6-a26da2dc9c6c">
        <product idType="Code1" id="34567" productIndex="1" />
        <product idType="Code1" id="45678" productIndex="2" />
    <products copies="1" displayGroup="1fa465e2-ce62-484e-a0b6-a26da2dc9c6c">
        <product idType="Code1" id="56789" productIndex="1" />
        <product idType="Code1" id="67890" productIndex="2">
            <field name="price" value="49.90" />
            <code name="EAN13" value="2345678901234" />

Last updated