From 2020-01-15 we want to increase the price of product 111111 to 59.95 SEK. We also want to lower the price of 222222 to 19.95 and 444444 to 69.95 two weeks later.
Here we have to refer to the same package ID as the base price list if the changes are to be combined with the base price list at desired change date. Each package startdate in the XML defines when the changes will apply.
We have therefore created one package with startdate 2020-01-15 and one with startdate 2020-02-01 for the respective price changes.
The price of the product 333333remains the same at each change date.
Periodically changed price
If we want to reduce a price during a short period of time, for e.g. under a two month time. Afterwards we are to set the old price back again. We can not set a stopdate for the reduced price, instead we have to send the higher price on new.
The product will now be on a reduced priced during the two months between 2020-02-01 and 2020-03-31.
At 2020-04-01 th eproduct will return to its original price.
Deleting future price changes
It is possible to remove a previously uploaded package in case it was incorrect. This will remove all price changes that were set to occur at the specific date.
We delete the price changes above for 2020-02-01 with this xml:
To remove all future price changes for product 111111we have to delete the product from each future price change package with the same startdate defined as when the change were to occur.
The XML will look like this:
Assuming we don't know when all the price changes for a product occurs, we can delete all prices for a product by sending in the product with an empty price value. The startdate of the package will determine from which date the prices are deleted.
Here we have a price change for 2020-02-01. After a while it is decided that the product should have another price from the same startdate. Correcting the price change is accomplished by setting the new price for the same startdate.
At 2020-02-01 the product will now have a price of 24.95 instead of the original 19.95.
Replacing an entire pricelist
Some time passes and we have made multiple changes to our pricelists at different times. For some reason we may have the need to replace all prices in a pricelist with new prices. Some products may no longer be relevant for example. We do this by setting the fullPackage attribute like this: