
An authorization is necessary for the request towards Shoppa's REST API or SOAP protocol. The documentation provides a description on how to receive credentials for an integration user

Integration users and customer nodes are managed set up and managed by Shoppa. Contact your Shoppa representative if you need help with the management.

Integration user

An integration user consists of four parameters that are necessary for the integration purpose. The parameters are "username", "password", "languageCode", and "countryCode".

Username and password are used to authenticate your requests. They are part of the authentication header.

LanguageCode and countryCode values determine which languages and countries you can store Mediablob data on. These values are used in the Shoppa XML's to decide where to store the data and who should be able to access it.

Customer nodes

Customer nodes always consists of a ShoppaID which is an auto incremental value. Each customer node has the option for a custom ExternalID value. Either value can be used when uploading Shoppa XML's to decide where the data should be stored.

Last updated