Display groups

Display groups

Display groups are managed through the Shoppa client. Each display group can reference multiple layouts and formats of multiple templates, and also a different number of copies for each. The most common use case is one copy of one format/layout/template.


The file DisplayGroups.xml is located in the sub folder Schemas in the hot folder. It is automatically generated by the Shoppa client, and contains information about the available display groups. It could look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DisplayGroups xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Customer="1143" Created="2019-09-19T15:11:06.4876855+02:00">
        <DisplayGroup Id="1fa465e2-ce62-484e-a0b6-a26da2dc9c6c" Name="Member/limited time" Customer="1143" Public="true">
                <DisplayGroupMember Template="Member products" Layout="Limited time offer" Format="A4" Copies="1" />
        <DisplayGroup Id="38988a59-5c03-4876-bb34-c016575b5936" Name="Member/shelf" Customer="1143" Public="true">
                <DisplayGroupMember Template="Member products" Layout="Shelf label" Format="148,5x52,5" Copies="1" />
        <DisplayGroup Id="73c94b65-560c-4f74-a667-198676fd5eac" Name="Posters" Customer="1143" Public="true">
                <DisplayGroupMember Template="Poster" Layout="Vertical" Format="700x1000" Copies="2" />
                <DisplayGroupMember Template="Poster" Layout="Horizontal" Format="700x1000" Copies="1" />

Each group has a name, an Id and at least one member, groups without members are omitted from the file. Each member references a template, a layout, a format and a number of copies.

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