Printing errors caused by Microsoft Update
We have recieved reports about a variety of printing issues since the beginning of March. The errors range from the error message "Printer can't be accessed" to blank signs in Shoppa and objects or text missing on the printouts as well as not all signs being printed. Microsoft have described the issue as following: After installing updates released March 9, 2021 or March 15, 2021, you might get unexpected results when printing from some apps. Issues might include:
Elements of the document might print as solid black/color boxes or might be missing, including barcodes, QR codes, and graphics elements, such as logos.
Table lines might be missing. Other alignment or formatting issues might also be present.
Printing from some apps or to some printers might result in a blank page or label. The cause of this problem has been identified as the Microsoft update KB5000802. The problem seems to affect many applications, including Shoppa and the problem is resolved in the out-of-band Microsoft update KB5001567. More information about the error can be found on these links: You can also find additional information about the error in the Microsoft forum.
Last updated